What is ping?
A ping is a test that figures out if a server is reachable. The ping is done by sending a data packet to the server to see if the data comes back. If so, the server is reachable.
What is ping time?
Ping time is the responsiveness of your connection, or how fast that data packet travels to the server and back. Ping time is measured in milliseconds. If your connection doesn’t register the data request for a couple of seconds, you may still see a lag in your game, file upload, online submission or other activity.
What is latency?
Latency is how fast data transfers between a source and its destination — basically a delay of information communication. For instance, if you’re in Canada playing a game with a server in China, you will have a higher latency than someone playing the same game in China.
What is Mbps?
Mbps is how internet speeds are gauged and it means “megabits per second.” It measures the bandwidth of an internet connection — how much data can be transferred each second.